Flipboard Latest VER 3.2.0 Apk Install Free
Flipboard is your personal magazine. Every day is used by millions of people, stories, videos and photographs that affect you, keep up on the news on the topics you care about and have a single place to share.
To get started, follow a few themes, and Flipboard creates your personal magazine. Topics to follow you, magazines or find interesting people as you can always add more.
Flipboard on the New York Times, People Magazine, Fast Company, and world-class publications such as Vanity Fair - search bar to find any source. You also Flipboard Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Linked In friends by connecting to and easily flip through photos and letters can.
Enjoy your point of view or save stories. To submit your own magazine search for anything using the + button. Flipboard your profile you can see all the magazines.
Today, Flipboard, free download and get started!
What's new
Now friends, family or colleagues with the creation of magazines and keep it private for groupsA step to make a Flipboard account information using your Twitter logo
Philip captions and comments mention the ease friend